The sudden increase in the usage of drones around Europe and the world, whether for commercial or personal reasons has triggered the European Commission to adopt stricter rules to be able to ensure safety, security, privacy and above all the protection of personal data within the community.
“Europe will be the first region in the world to have a comprehensive set of rules ensuring safe, secure and sustainable operations of drones both, for commercial and leisure activities. Common rules will help foster investment, innovation and growth in this promising sector,” said Patrick Ky, Executive Director of the European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA).
As of June 2020, drone operators whether amateur or professional will need to register in the Member State where they have their residence or their main place of business. Furthermore, depending on the characteristics of the drone, drone operators will also be obliged to abide by further requirements when operating within European airspace. For instance, drone operators might need to obtain specific authorisation from the competent authority to be able to fly drones over a certain weight or that carry certain dangerous goods. This will effectively give local authorities more control in order to prevent any form of misuse or unlawful drone activities.
If you would like more information or assistance on the legal requirements for your drone, please contact Dr. Robert Tufigno on or Dr. Sean Xerri de Caro on
Disclaimer: This article is not intended to impart legal advice and readers are asked to seek verification of statements made before acting on them.