On the 14th November 2022, the Malta Gaming Authority (MGA) issued a notification to its Licensees in relation to player claims being instituted against MGA Licensees in Austria and Germany.
In view of the increase in such player claims, the MGA has felt the need to remind its Licensees of their obligation in terms of the Gaming Authorisations and Compliance Directive to notify to the MGA of any “material litigation” instituted against an MGA Licensee.
Further, the MGA clarified that in view of the implications of the enforcement of such civil cases in Malta, any proceedings which seek to enforce Austrian or German player claims through the courts of Malta shall be considered “material litigation” and must thus be notified to the MGA.
The Authority stated that it is applying such interpretation to ensure that it is aware of all local proceedings particularly for the purpose of engaging in discussions with notifying Licensee to determine the possible support that may be provided by the MGA in such regard.
For further information on how we can be of assistance on Gaming related matters, please contact Mr Reuben Portanier or Dr Terence Cassar.