The Covid-19 pandemic has brought about a shift in the way business is conducted with most businesses opting to work remotely and focusing on their online interface. The restrictions on public gatherings have also caused a dilemma for public companies that were forced to postpone their Annual General Meetings (AGMs) and Extraordinary General Meetings (EGMs) up to the limits allowed by the Maltese Companies Act.
These difficulties have now been addressed through the implementation of the Companies Act (Public Companies – Annual General Meetings) Regulations, 2020, which came into force by means of Legal Notice 288 of 2020 (“the Regulations”). The Regulations now allow more flexibility to public companies with specific rules on how AGMs and EGMs may be held remotely, particularly as this was a concept that was not explicitly considered by the Companies Act.
These new Regulations have introduced a series of changes which are applicable to all public companies who are obliged to hold AGMs within the timeframe set out in the Maltese Companies Act. A list of these changes may be found below:
Holding of Annual General Meeting
Prior to the introduction of such Regulations, not more than 15 months could have elapsed between the date of one AGM of the company and that of the next. Upon the introduction of these Regulations this time limit has been extended to a period of 20 months.
Annual or Extraordinary General Meeting Held Remotely
Regardless of what may be contained in the Memorandum and Articles of the company, AGMs or EGMs may be validly held remotely subject to the following rules:
Notice to Specify Means Used for Virtual Meetings and Procedure of Voting and Discussion
Notwithstanding the above, the Regulations permit AGMs and EGMs to be held virtually in so far as this is specifically permitted by the Articles of Association of the company. For this to be legally permissible, the means used to conduct such meeting together with the ways in which participation and discussion are to be held, including how the members can vote, must be properly laid down in the notice convening such meeting.
Proxies given by Electronic Means
It is already legally established that proxies are to be sent “in writing”. The Regulations have clarified that the term “in writing” shall also extend to proxies being given by electronic means.
Further Extension of Time Limits
The Regulations have also extended the time limit within which a public company is set to lay before and approve its accounts in the general meeting for the relevant accounting period by 5 months. In view of this extension, the period of 42 days to submit the annual accounts as laid before the company in the general meeting, the copy of the auditor’s report and the directors’ report accompanying the annual accounts shall start running from the period extended. Public companies may still avail themselves of this extension even if their Memorandum and Articles of Association specifies a shorter period. In all such cases where a public company wishes to avail itself of this extension afforded by these Regulations, a new form must be submitted to the Malta Business Registry (MBR) notifying the Registrar of the date of the AGM; this notice must be submitted to the MBR one month prior to the AGM.
As public companies are now able to shift their meetings virtually, the onus is on the company and its Company Secretary to ensure that where AGMs and EGMs are held remotely, the rights of shareholders are safeguarded, allowing only eligible shareholders the right to follow the meeting and having a secure digital voting mechanism if this is offered in lieu of voting by proxy.
Article written by Dr Sean Xerri de Caro.
For more information on how public companies can adhere to these new rules and hold their AGM or EGM remotely, kindly contact Dr Ivan Gatt and Dr Cherise Abela Grech.
Disclaimer: This article is not intended to impart legal advice and readers are asked to seek verification of statements made before acting on them.