In terms of Legal Notice 95 and Legal Notice 96, the 14th May 2019 has been designated as the effective date for both Malta’s new Trademarks Act and new Trade Secrets Act.
The Trademarks Act transposes into the local framework the EU’s Trademarks Directive 2015/2346, intended on harmonizing the EU Member States’ trademarks law. You can access here if you wish to read more regarding Malta’s trademark laws (Trademarks Under Maltese Law) and here if you wish to read on the changes to be brought about into Malta’s trademark legislation in light of the new Trademarks Act (Transposition of the EU Trademarks Directive: Malta’s Trademarks Act to be Replaced).
The Trade Secrets’ Act, on the other hand, transposes the EU’s Trade Secrets Directive 2019/943/EU into Maltese Law. You may access here if you wish to read further about trade secrets under Maltese Law (Trade Secrets under Maltese Law).
For more information on Intellectual Property Law and related areas please contact Dr Ian Gauci on, Dr Terence Cassar on, and Dr Bernice Saliba on