Dr Ian Gauci, Partner and Head of the Communications, Media and Technology Department at GTG Advocates will be speaking at KPMG’s Biennial Financial Services Conference on the 9th of November, entitled ‘Technology 2020 – the future of financial services is with us’.
As the dawn rises on the digital age, Financial Services Providers are faced with the new realities of digitisation, robotics and Artificial Intelligence, Blockchain, cryptocurrencies, cloud computing and Big Data. Fintech has overhauled systems and businesses, and in order to survive and thrive, providers need to analyse how regulation and tax considerations will come into play, what clients are expecting, what challenges lie ahead and how to address them.
The new wave of technologies surrounding Fintech and Insurtech is expected to not only affect banks, e-money institutions and payment gateways, but all other financial services providers as well. This includes retail and wholesale payments, capital markets and securities trading, trade finance and transaction banking.
Businesses are nowadays operating within a network society where technology, digital economy, decentralisation, convergence and lex cryptographia are radically changing the legacy institutions and fabric of society. This is forcing them to re-evaluate the interaction between regulatory levers and regulation in general. Dr Gauci will thus be participating in a fireside chat on regulation and the future.
The conference will discuss how Fintech can help achieve greater efficiency and the inherent risks it may pose. It will analyse how much investment should be made in cybersecurity and in which areas Malta can lead in becoming a hub for Fintech start-ups.
For more information on Fintech, Blockchain, Cryptocurrencies, Big Data, Cloud Computing, Data Protection, and related areas please contact Dr Ian Gauci on igauci@gtgadvocates.com
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