Due to the ever intensifying Covid19 pandemic, the Ports and Yachting Directorate has issued additional precautionary measures applicable to all vessels that have been given the green light to obtain services in Maltese waters and ports.
All those working in marina terminals including port service providers should be aware that following recent legislative efforts to try and combat the entry of Covid19 from reaching our shores via our ports, the Maltese Authorities have taken the following measures, namely;
Authorised personnel are to keep interaction with crew to the minimum whilst bunker barges and service launches are to avoid contact with all crew members. Any irregularities may be reported to the necessary authorities.
News item written by Dr Sean Xerri de Caro
For more information or assistance on the impact of COVID19 in the maritime industry kindly contact Dr Robert Tufigno on rtufigno@gtgadvocates.com or Dr Sean Xerri de Caro on sxerridecaro@gtgadvocates.com.
Disclaimer: This article is not intended to impart legal advice and readers are asked to seek verification of statements made before acting on them.