Under the MGA’s policies, Key Persons are required to keep up to date with legal and regulatory developments in their fields; proof of such Continuous Professional Development is in fact required for the renewal of Key Function Certificates.

Our expert teams at GTG Corporate offer tailor-made training programmes for MGA Key Function Holders, built to suit the needs of our clients and enabling MGA licensed Key Persons to garner CPD training hours to keep their personal license in good standing, whilst it also offers MGA gaming licensees the opportunity to also train mid to senior level employees working in gaming compliance, legal, marketing, responsible gaming, AML & fraud, finance, sales and customer support.

GTG’s CPD facilitators, trainers and mentors are seasoned experts in their field, with decades of regulatory and legal experience. Our team are regular speakers in international conferences and are visiting lecturers at various European universities.

GTG’s CPD programme forks out in two tracks – the B2C track and the B2B track, thus allowing a Key Person of a B2C to follow modules purposely designed for B2C operations, and similarly for Key Persons of B2B licensees.

Our CPD programme covers all Key Function Roles, and is designed to provide 36 hours of training on the B2C track and 31 hours of training on the B2B track.

There is an element of customisation per client, as the GTG Programme is not designed as an open course concept, but is delivered at a per company basis, thus having solely the licensee’s employees in attendance.  This concept ensures that attendees remain within the confidential environment of their workplace, and allows GTG to partly customise the programme by using examples and situations of the licensee itself.

The GTG CPD Programme includes modules related to gaming law, compliance, data protection, responsible gaming, AML, governance, and outsourcing, whilst each programme also includes Master Classes intended for Key Persons, C-Level Management and Board members.  As from May 2023, a new module, was added to the existing suite of modules, namely “ESG – Why is this becoming so important for Gaming Companies”. To Learn more about all the modules and how the programme can fit your needs, please contact us, and we will follow up with a call to discuss your needs.

You may also be interested in reading the following articles:

CPD Requirements for MGA Key Function Roles

MGA Issues Updates to the Gaming Authorisations and Compliance Directive and a Key Function Eligibility Criteria Policy

Key Person Outsourcing

We are pleased to connect with you in‑person, by phone, by email. We look forward to learning how we can help you.

+356 2124 2713


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