Dr Ian Gauci, Partner and Head of the Communications, Media and Technology Department at GTG Advocates will be speaking at IFSP’s Annual Conference on 15th February, entitled “Efficiency and innovation – the way forward for Malta’s Financial Services Industry”.
The conference will cover areas of immediate interest to most practitioners.
Dr Gauci’s panel will be discussing the very topical subject of “A strategic vision for Malta’s Financial Services industry”. Today, the financial services industry is rapidly changing, with this momentum being brought about through the development of new technological services and delivery channels as well as the ever-evolving regulatory and compliance environment. This panel session will thus be focusing on the regulatory landscape and the impact of IT on financial services with the development of, among other things, blockchain technologies and cryptocurrencies. Together with Dr Gauci, the panel is expected to include Dr Abdallah Kablan, Dr Christopher Buttigieg and Kenneth Farrugia among the speakers contributing to this discussion.
The conference will also be discussing other topics of interest including the upcoming Moneyval evaluation and what can be expected from it, practical HR issues in the financial services industry, and the changing tax landscape and the way capital markets are evolving.
For more information on Blockchain, Cryptocurrencies, and Financial Services, please contact Dr Ian Gauci on igauci@gtgadvocates.com or Dr Cherise Abela Grech on cabelagrech@gtgadvocates.com