Chambers and Partners, the leading global legal directory, just released its Malta 2022 FinTech Legal rankings we are pleased to announce that GTG Advocates has once again been top rated and ranked.

The FinTech Legal directory provides full, in-depth and comprehensive analysis of law firms and consultancy firms in Malta that are active within the Fintech space. GTG Advocates has been highly rated by Chambers and Partners, and awarded Band 2 status in the FinTech sector.

Commenting on GTG AdvocatesChambers reaffirms that:

“GTG Advocates is held in high regard for its expertise in blockchain and virtual currency. The firm often advises the Maltese regulators, often collaborating with them in drafting various regulatory instruments, including the Virtual Financial Assets Act and the Malta Digital Innovation Authority Act. GTG is noted for additional expertise in data protection and intellectual property.”

Clients attest that:

“GTG Advocates are experts in the fields of Innovative Technology Arrangements and Virtual Financial Assets.” “They provide impeccable professional services.”

Notable Individuals

Apart from GTG Advocates’ firm ranking, GTG Advocates are also proud to announce that Managing Partner Dr Ian Gauci has once again been ranked at the highest possible individual ranking, having been ranked as a Band 1 Fintech Leading Individual.

Chambers and Partners comment that “Dr Ian Gauci has expertise in technology, data protection and intellectual property matters. He has an excellent reputation on blockchain and virtual currency issues and was closely involved with regulatory authorities in drafting and creating new legislation.”

A client commends him as a pioneer in the legal aspect of technology, and a reference point both locally and internationally when it comes to technology and its legal effect on its operators and users.

Disclaimer This article is not intended to impart legal advice and readers are asked to seek verification of statements made before acting on them.
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